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Le mercure, le cadmium et le plomb dans les eaux littorales libanaises: apports et suivi au moyen de bioindicateurs quantitatifs (éponges, bivalves et gastéropodes) ArchiMer
Nakhle, Khaled.
In 1975, the meeting for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea in Barcelona fixed several important objectives. One of them was the creation of National Observation Programs in order to evaluate the levels and tendencies of pollutants. Furthermore the MED-POL program has re-evaluated and developed these objectives. Lebanon has signed the Barcelona Convention and has been engaged in providing data about its coastal water quality. Unfortunately the Lebanese war, which also began in 1975, paralyzed the country for 15 years. Since 1990, successive governments in the country have fixed as an objective the reconstruction of the tourism sector. As a consequence, they became interested in the environmental problems. The studies carried out before or during the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lebanon; Coastal water; D.g.t.; Transplant; Sponge; Patella; Brachidonte; Trace metal; Bioindicator; Liban; Eaux côtières; D.g.t.; Transplant; Eponge; Patelle; Brachidonte; Métal trace; Bioindicateur.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Modélisation de la bioaccumulation de métaux traces (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu et Zn) chez la moule, Mytilus galloprovincialis, en milieu méditerranéen ArchiMer
Casas, Stellio.
Monitoring coastal contamination of trace metals using bivalve molluscs as quantitative bioindicators is widely used in many international monitoring programs. The bioaccumulation of metal within an organism results from the interaction between physiological (growth, loss of weight, absorption, accumulation), chemical (metal concentration, speciation, bioavailability) and environmental factors (temperature, SPM, chlorophyll). By utilizing the parameters above in this study, it appears that modeling metal dynamics in marine mussels is a reliable tool. The model allows understanding the bioaccumulation process which results from the interactions between biological, chemical and environmental factors. One of the objective of this study was to couple a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomonitoring; Dynamic Energy Budget; Model; Trace metals; Bioaccumulation; Mytilus galloprovincialis; Mussel; Bioindicator; Surveillance; Budget énergétique dynamique; Modèle; Métaux traces; Bioaccumulation; Mytilus galloprovincialis; Moule; Bioindicateur.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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